Episode Transcript: Hey design starters today, I would like to talk about the problem with billing by the hour. I would say the idea of billing by the hour may have came about when, you know, you have to prorate your monthly salary down to a set of shorter time spent,...
Podcast 18: How To Know What Your Customer Wants
Episode Transcript: Hey design starters, today, I would like to talk about how you can figure out what problem is worth solving in your industry, your business, your design industry, and, you know, generally what challenges are your customers facing and how do you...
Podcast 17: The Big Secret Project
Episode Transcript: Hey design starters, today is the first day I'm giving a big review on a big secret project that I have been kind of working on with King Lau. So I just want to let you know here first in this episode, and also run through with you, why I'm doing...
Podcast 16: Get Returning Clients
Episode Transcript: Hey design starters. So today I would like to talk more about how are you going to get work from the same clients over and over, you know, without having to keep on trying to get new leads, you know, because that can be really tiring. That's full...
Podcast 15: Applying The 80/20 Rule To My New Business
Episode Transcript: Hey design starters. So today I just want to go behind the scenes on this new thing that I started with Lynn daddy of outsourcing angels. And we, we started this together as partners since December of last year in 2020. And so this just want to...
Podcast 14: To Productize Or Not To Productize
Episode Transcript: Hey design starters. Today, I have a lesson on productizing or not to productize, so it depends on where you are at with your business right now. I would like to just say that if you want more of this productizing health and a community where you...