Episode Transcript: Hey design starters. Today, I would like to talk about selling or other, getting in sales to increase and improve your income and to grow your business where you become a wealthy designer. So selling. Is something that many people think you have to...
Podcast 24: Which Comes First? Marketing Or Product
Episode Transcript: Hey design starters. Today, I would like to talk about which one comes first. Is it marketing or is it your product? I would like to say this thing where it is a big mistake for many of us as designers, especially when we start off alone as a solo...
Podcast 23: The Greatest Mistake You Should Avoid To Grow A Design Business
Episode Transcript: Hey design starters. Today, I have a quick lesson on the biggest mistake I've made as a freelance designer and a business owner of a design agency since 2005 those years. I only think of making an income and just taking all the revenue as income...
Podcast 22: ProductizeKit 1.0 – Starting A Community
Episode Transcript: Hey design starters. Today, just want to quickly run through what we have been doing at productize kit version 1.0, that is the one that we launched in 20, 20, beginning of December. That's when our first few members join us and we have had. So...
Podcast 21: 4 Steps To Start Scaling Your Service Business
Episode Transcript: Hey design starters. So I know a lot of us would want to scale our design business in a way that we don't have to always be burned out. We don't have to always face clients from hell, but we need to do the work. Isn't it. And we know that without...
Podcast 20: How To Break Free Of Billable Hours
Episode Transcript: Hey design starters. Today, I would like to talk more about how you can break free of billable hours, which comes from the previous episode. When I talk about how, you know, billable hours, don't just don't make sense. And this is mainly for design...